Alien Hunters

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Alien Hunters

About Alien Hunters

Alien Hunters is a casual battle game where you play the role of a robot hunter armed with a lethal dagger. This game will take you on a thrilling and dramatic pursuit with plenty of enemies and difficult missions to complete. Are you ready to join in this breathtaking chase? Turn your PC on and play now!

Gameplay Overview

In this shooting game, you will be a robot hunter sneaking out of the enemy’s sight and quickly taking them down. To eliminate them all, you should take advantage of the walls around the battlefield. Trying to skillfully move behind your enemies so you can take them down silently. The level ends once you have defeated all your foes.

How to Play

Click on the screen to move the character.

Tips and Tricks

Once you defeat an enemy, the others nearby will come to you really quickly. So, taking down enemies when they are alone is easier and helps maintain your health indicator.

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